Each year, the Sharon Sea Eagles sponsor a swimathon to raise money for a charity. The swimathon is typically held in January or February, and each swimmer is encouraged to canvas his or her friends and family to raise funds. In 2013, the team raised over $4,500 for the Hockomock Area YMCA Reach Out for Youth & Families program. The swimathon is run as follows:
Each swimmer prints out a pledge sheet to solicit sponsors. The participant will determine how far he or she intends to swim as well as his/her goal for fundraising.
On the day of the event, each swimmer will come prepared to swim the distance targeted, and parents will act as lane counters to verify goal achievement.
After completion of the swimathon, the swimmer will then re-engage with his/her sponsors to verify that he/she achieved the goal.
Sponsors will then provide the funds pledged to the swimmer
After each swimathon, the team holds a pizza party to celebrate the achievement of the day!